Why we built Hellocart

How do you buy ingredients to cook dinner when it is raining and you don't have a baby sitter, so you can't leave the house?

How can you combine buying items from different stores and market without spending half a day driving around in the city?

Hellocart is grocery focused delivery service that shop for your groceries and deliver them to your front door in record time. No more getting stuck in traffic jams, paying for parking, standing in long queues and carrying heavy bags – get everything you need, when you need, right at your doorstep within one hour.

Hellocart lets you shop from local grocery stores and nearby markets online, then sends a “personal shopper” to fulfill and deliver your order to you within on hour. Unlike other grocery delivery services, the Hellocart doesn’t stockpile fresh produce in a massive warehouse. Instead, our shoppers shop at major grocery stores and local markets in your area, and then sends you.

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Easy to use, Super convenient

Hellocart is great for families. See how Hellocart has benefited households in Benin City.

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